Minimal residual disease (MRD) status prior to allogeneic stem cell transplantation is a powerful predictor for post-transplant outcome in children with ALL

We have retrospectively investigated the relationship between the level of minimal residual disease (MRD) detected in bone marrow taken prior to conditioning therapy and outcome following stem cell transplantation for high risk childhood ALL. Forty-one patients, in whom both a molecular marker of MRD and sufficient archival material was available, were included in the study. All were in remission at BMT: eight in CR1, 32 in CR2 and five in greater than CR2. MRD was measured by PCR amplification of antigen receptor gene rearrangements and clone-specific oligoprobing, the median sensitivity of detection being one leukaemic cell in 10000 normals. Results were classified as high-level positive (if a clonal band was evident after electrophoresis), low-level positive (if MRD was detected only after oligoprobing) and negative. MRD was detected at high levels in 17 patients, at low levels in 10 patients and 14 patients were MRD negative at the time of transplant. The 5-year event-free survival for these groups was 23%, 48% and 78%, respectively (P = 0.022). Limited multivariate analysis confirmed the significance of MRD (P = 0.0095) vs CR status, donor type, sex, immunophenotype and acute GvHD. This study confirms the strong relationship between MRD level and outcome following allogeneic transplantation. In contrast to a previous study we observed that a minority of children with high-level pre-BMT MRD can enter long lasting remission. The possible role for acute GVHD coupled with a graft-versus-leukaemia effect in the clearance of high level MRD in patients with ALL is discussed.

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