Endoscopic disconnection for hypothalamic hamartoma with intractable seizure

Although intractable epilepsy associated with hypothalamic hamartoma (HH) can be controlled by microsurgical resection of the lesion, excision of deep-seated lesions is often associated with morbidity and mortality. Endoscopic disconnection is less invasive and seems to be well suited for this indication. The authors discuss the role of endoscopic-assisted surgery in the management of HH-induced seizures. Four patients with HH-related intractable gelastic seizure underwent endoscopic disconnection surgery. Postoperatively, all patients exhibited improvement. Two patients became seizure free immediately after endoscopic disconnection surgery, one patient with a widespread seizure focus involving the motor strip continued to experience rare complex partial seizures but gelastic seizures ceased, and one experienced a reduced frequency of seizures but persistence of some generalized seizures. Three patients suffered postoperative disconnection-like syndrome, which continued 3 to 7 days and spontaneously disappeared. The authors advocate the endoscopic disconnection surgery as a safe and effective treatment for HH-related epilepsy by blocking the spread of epileptic discharges from the lesion.