Data from Change in Blood and Benign Breast Biomarkers in Women Undergoing a Weight-Loss Intervention Randomized to High-Dose ω-3 Fatty Acids versus Placebo

The inflammation-resolving and insulin-sensitizing properties of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) fatty acids have potential to augment effects of weight loss on breast cancer risk. In a feasibility study, 46 peri/postmenopausal women at increased risk for breast cancer with a body mass index (BMI) of 28 kg/m2 or greater were randomized to 3.25 g/day combined EPA and DHA (ω-3-FA) or placebo concomitantly with initiation of a weight-loss intervention. Forty-five women started the intervention. Study discontinuation for women randomized to ω-3-FA and initiating the weight-loss intervention was 9% at 6 months and thus satisfied our main endpoint, which was feasibility. Between baseline and 6 months significant change (P < 0.05) was observed in 12 of 25 serum metabolic markers associated with breast cancer risk for women randomized to ω-3-FA, but only four for those randomized to placebo. Weight loss (median of 10% for trial initiators and 12% for the 42 completing 6 months) had a significant impact on biomarker modulation. Median loss was similar for placebo (−11%) and ω-3-FA (−13%). No significant change between ω-3-FA and placebo was observed for individual biomarkers, likely due to sample size and effect of weight loss. Women randomized to ω-3-FA exhibiting more than 10% weight loss at 6 months showed greatest biomarker improvement including 6- and 12-month serum adiponectin, insulin, omentin, and C-reactive protein (CRP), and 12-month tissue adiponectin. Given the importance of a favorable adipokine profile in countering the prooncogenic effects of obesity, further evaluation of high-dose ω-3-FA during a weight-loss intervention in obese high-risk women should be considered.Prevention Relevance:This study examines biomarkers of response that may be modulated by omega-3 fatty acids when combined with a weight-loss intervention. While focused on obese, postmenopausal women at high risk for development of breast cancer, the findings are applicable to other cancers studied in clinical prevention trials.