Inertial Navigation System Data Filtering Prior to GPS/INS Integration

In the integration of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Inertial Navigation System (INS), the commonly used Kalman filter provides satisfactory results if both sources of information are continuously available. However, GPS outages provoke a fast degradation of precision, especially in low dynamic trajectories such as a mobile platform device held by a human operator. To deal with this problem we propose a data-filtering scheme to apply to INS raw data prior to the integration with GPS. The proposed technique proves to be very valuable for mitigating the high short-term instability of raw INS data during the walking movement and is also capable of eliminating the induced undesirable human operator vibrations. Final imposed corrections adapted to the particular dynamical response of the INS sensor provide comparably accurate results and often better than those achieved in similar works with the use of the Kalman filter.