The avian embryo presents a tremendous challenge for those interested in accessing and manipulating the avian germ line. By far the most successful method of gene transfer is by retrovirus vector. The efficacy of retrovirus vectors has been demonstrated by germ line insertion of replication-competent retroviruses as well as the insertion of replication-defective retrovirus vectors carrying bacterial marker genes. Retroviral vectors have also been shown to be useful for the transfer and expression of genes in somatic cells. Further, germ line transgenesis has been reported in both the chicken and the Japanese quail. In addition, several alternative gene transfer methods are under development. These include transfection of avian sperm, development of germ line chimeras using primordial germ cells and blastodermal cells, and the development of embryonic stem cell lines. Potentially, basic research and the poultry industry will derive substantial benefit from this revolutionary technology.