Incremental Analysis Updates Initialization Technique Applied to 10-km MM5 and MM5 3DVAR

An incremental analysis updates (IAU) technique is implemented for 3-h updates of the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University–NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5) three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVAR) and model system with a 10-km resolution to remove spurious gravity waves. By gradually incorporating analysis increments, IAU affects only the removal of high frequencies, leaving the waves related to diurnal processes. IAU appears to be efficient in reducing the moisture spinup problem in the MM5 3DVAR cycling system. The advantage of the IAU is the most significant in improving precipitation forecasts. Rapid update cycle (RUC) with 1- and 2-h intervals in conjunction with the IAU indicates a rapid minimization and less spinup and -down problems because of greater balancing between the moisture and dynamic variables. Impact studies are performed on a heavy rainfall case that occurred in the Korean Peninsula. Verification results with a 3-h cycling system are presented on operational environments.