Dynamical susceptibility of glass formers: Contrasting the predictions of theoretical scenarios

We compute analytically and numerically the four-point correlation function that characterizes nontrivial cooperative dynamics in glassy systems within several models of glasses: elastoplastic deformations, mode-coupling theory (MCT), collectively rearranging regions (CRR’s), diffusing defects, and kinetically constrained models (KCM’s). Some features of the four-point susceptibility χ4(t) are expected to be universal: at short times we expect a power-law increase in time as t4 due to ballistic motion (t2 if the dynamics is Brownian) followed by an elastic regime (most relevant deep in the glass phase) characterized by a t or t growth, depending on whether phonons are propagative or diffusive. We find in both the β and early α regime that χ4tμ, where μ is directly related to the mechanism responsible for relaxation. This regime ends when a maximum of χ4 is reached at a time t=t* of the order of the relaxation time of the system. This maximum is followed by a fast decay to zero at large times. The height of the maximum also follows a power law χ4(t*)t*λ. The value of the exponents μ and λ allows one to distinguish between different mechanisms. For example, freely diffusing defects in d=3 lead to μ=2 and λ=1, whereas the CRR scenario rather predicts either μ=1 or a logarithmic behavior depending on the nature of the nucleation events and a logarithmic behavior of χ4(t*). MCT leads to μ=b and λ=1γ, where b and γ are the standard MCT exponents. We compare our theoretical results with numerical simulations on a Lennard-Jones and a soft-sphere system. Within the limited time scales accessible to numerical simulations, we find that the exponent μ is rather small, μ<1, with a value in reasonable agreement with the MCT predictions, but not with the prediction of simple diffusive defect models, KCM’s with noncooperative defects, and CRR’s. Experimental and numerical determination of χ4(t) for longer time scales and lower temperatures would yield highly valuable information on the glass formation mechanism.