Physiological profiles of the Canadian Olympic Hockey Team (1980).

  • 1 June 1982
    • journal article
    • Vol. 7 (2), 142-6
In order to establish baseline data and to prescribe training programmes to off-set weaknesses, selected measures of aerobic fitness (VO2max), muscular power (peak torque and watt output) and performance times on-ice were collected on the Canadian Olympic Hockey Team (1980). VO2max values (54 ml. kg. min) were similar to other non-endurance athletes. Peak torque values relative to body weight in knee extension at 30 degrees and 180 degrees . s-1 (3.62 an 1.85 Nm . kg-1) were the same at low speed but lower at high speed than other selected power athletes. The on-ice performance times showed higher speed of over 180' than professional and junior level players but the speed drop-off over six repeats was greater. There were no differences between positions on these measures. These data offer a baseline from which to compare other hockey players and suggest that the aerobic fitness levels and torque outputs at high speed are not well developed.