Classroom Environment and Teacher Interpersonal Behaviour in Secondary Science Classes in Korea

The What is Happening in this Class (WIHIC) questionnaire and the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) were used to describe classroom learning environment and the teachers' behaviour in Korea. The three objectives of the study were to provide validation data for the Korean versions of the WIHIC and QTI, investigate associations between students' attitude to science and their perceptions of the classroom environment as assessed by the WIHIC and the QTI, and investigate gender-related differences in the students' perceptions. The questionnaires were administered to 543 students in 12 different Korean schools. The cross-cultural validity of the WIHIC and the QTI was supported. There were positive relationships of classroom environment and interpersonal teacher behaviour with students' attitudinal outcome. Relative to girls, boys perceived their learning environments and their teachers' interpersonal behaviour more favourably and reported more favourable attitudes toward their science classes. Generally, students' perceptions of the learning environment and the teachers' interpersonal behaviour suggest that students should receive more teacher support and involvement in the teaching/learning process and cooperate with other students more than at present. Also, teachers' behaviours could be changed to be more helping/friendly and understanding in order to cater for the students' interests.