Oxygen Species Active for Photooxidation of n-Decane over TiO2 Surfaces

Surface-enhanced IR absorption spectroscopy (SEIRAS) was applied to in-situ observation of surface products during the photooxidation of gas-phase n-decane on TiO2 films coated with an island Au film The bands assignable to CO stretching, O−H stretching, and H−O−H bending were observed with good intensity, indicating the formation of ketone(s) and water on the surface. Ketone as well as water was produced in the dark when a Au/TiO2 sample was illuminated in advance in O2 and then exposed to n-decane. This result clearly indicates that oxygen species active for n-decane oxidation remain in the dark after stopping UV irradiation. The formation of ketone and water declined with increasing time lapse of n-decane introduction after illumination, from which the lifetime of the active oxygen species was estimated to be at least 1 min. The active oxygen species formed from O2 on illuminated Au/TiO2 were concluded to be O- and O3-, judging from the results of ESR and oxygen-isotope tracing measurements so far reported.

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