Protein kinases in human breast cancer

The family of protein kinases includes many oncogenes and growth factor receptors, many of which have been linked to the pathogenesis and progression of cancer. Protein tyrosine kinases such as HER-2/ c-erb B-2 and the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) have been linked specifically to breast cancer, and perturbations of HER-2 affect response to chemotherapy. We have reviewed the biology of protein kinases in human breast cancer, as well as their translational applications to breast cancer patients. We have studied the spectrum of protein kinases expressed in human breast cancer cells and have identified four protein kinases with potentially important functions in breast cancer: rak ( src -related), TK5 (which we now designate JAK3), the focal adhesion kinase (FAK), and STK1 (human M015/CAK). We describe the potential significance of these genes in breast cancer, as well as our methodology for identifying and characterizing novel genes in breast cancer.