Lovastatin Induced Control of Blast Cell Growth in an Elderly Patient with Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia

We recently reported that AML cells derived either from cell lines or from patients undergo apoptosis in response to lovastatin, an agent used extensively in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. The concentration of lovastatin required to achieve this in culture varies from patient to patient, however, the in vitro concentrations required to kill AML cells, can be attained clinically. While in vitro studies assessing responsiveness of leukemic cells to lovastatin were being performed, a 72 year old female presented with relapsed AML. The patient did not desire any further induction therapy. As the patient's cells proved to be sensitive in culture to lovastatin, the patient was offered this drug. In this brief report we describe a case in which there was apparent control of the patient's leukemic blast cells by lovastatin at a dose double the usual recommended dose for hypercholesterolemia. This case illustrates the potential for lovastatin to provide a novel means of controlling leukemic cell growth in AML patients.