The different relaxation processes that connect the four energy levels in phosphorus doped silicon have been investigated experimentally. The relaxation time Ts (Δms=±1, ΔmI=0) was found to be independent of phosphorus concentration below ∼1016 P/cm3. Its value at 3200 oersteds and 1.25°K was ∼3×10+3 seconds and varied as 1T for 1.3°K<T<2°K and as 1T7 for 2.5°K<T<4.2°K. The magnetic field dependence in the 1T region suggests a direct phonon process. In the 1T7 region Ts was independent of the magnetic field between 3000 and 8000 oersteds. Above a concentration of 1016 P/cm3 Ts varied rapidly with donor concentration, dropping to 104 seconds at 3×1017 P/cm3. In this concentration dependent region Ts was independent of the magnetic field but depended on the number of acceptors present. None of the Ts mechanisms can at present be accounted for by the theories of Pines, Bardeen, and Slichter, and Abrahams. The relaxation time Tx (Δms=±1, ΔmI=1) was ∼30 hours at 3000 oersteds and ∼5 hours at 8000 oersteds in fair agreement with the theory of PBS. The relaxation time TN (ΔmI=±1, Δms=0) at 1.25°K exceeded 10 hours.