Supplemental Figure 2 from SOX4 Is Essential for Prostate Tumorigenesis Initiated by PTEN Ablation

Supplemental Figure 2 Figure S2. Probasin-Cre mice (3) obtained from the NCI mouse repository were crossed to ROSA-lox-stop-lox-GFP mice (C57/BL6;129-ROSA26-Lox-Stop-Lox-EGFP (Charles River Laboratories)). Tissues were harvested from male mice after reaching sexual maturity at 8 weeks of age. GFP imaging of organs was performed on an Olympus OV-100 In Vivo Imaging System. Representative tissues from double transgenic mice are shown on the left, and from control mice on the right. Strong GFP signal was detected in pancreas and all three lobes of the prostate.