Relationships of Abdominal Obesity and Hyperinsulinemia to Angiographically Assessed Coronary Artery Disease in Men With Known Mutations in the LDL Receptor Gene

Background —Patients with a mutation in the LDL receptor gene (familial hypercholesterolemia, or FH) are characterized by substantial elevations in plasma LDL cholesterol and are at higher risk of developing coronary artery disease (CAD). Correlates of abdominal obesity may also contribute to the risk of ischemic cardiac events. Whether the hyperinsulinemic–insulin-resistant state of abdominal obesity affects coronary atherosclerosis among FH patients has not been determined. Methods and Results —The relation of abdominal adiposity and hyperinsulinemia to angiographically assessed CAD was evaluated in a sample of 120 French Canadian men aged 95 cm) and hyperinsulinemic FH patients (odds ratio, 12.9; P =.0009). This increase in risk remained significant even after adjustment for LDL cholesterol or apolipoprotein B concentrations. Conclusions —Results of the present study provide support for the notion that the hyperinsulinemic–insulin-resistant state of abdominal obesity is a powerful predictor of CAD in men, even in a group of patients with raised LDL cholesterol concentrations due to FH.

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