NONTENDER cystic swellings of the auricle which are traumatic or spontaneous in origin are classically referred to as subperichondrial effusions or hematomas. A collection of fluid or blood is incarcerated between the perichondrium and the cartilage. This is treated by opening or needling the perichondrium and packing the auricle in contour. The author noted when attempting to incise a spontaneous cystic bulge of the auricle that even though the perichondrium had been opened the cyst had not yet been reached. The cartilage was then opened and the fluid exposed and drained. The serous fluid was enclosed by a cartilaginous wall in all parameters and was then an intracartilaginous collection of fluid. Weeks later a similar problem was seen and the identical situation was found. During the next four years, four more cases were seen. When this paper was being prepared the author had used the term "intracartilaginous cyst" but Engel's1