Microbiological Aspects on Peritonsillar Abscesses

In 37 patients with unilateral quinsy pus was collected with a syringe technique and bacteriologically examined. Beta-hemolytic streptococci were isolated from 17 abscesses; in 8 of these, however, together with other bacteria, mainly anaerobes. Anaerobic bacteria, often more than one species, were found in 28 abscesses. Streptococcal serology including AST-O, Streptozyme® and separate ADNAse test showed high titres or titre rises in 22 out of 30 examined cases. There was one case with beta-hemolytic streptococci in the abscess but negative serology. In the remaining cases a possible primary etiological role of anaerobes is suggested. The effect of combined surgical drainage and treatment with antibiotics (ampicillin or penicillin V) was good.