Risks and Benefits of Sequential Imaging of Melanocytic Skin Lesions in Patients With Multiple Atypical Nevi

PATIENTS WITH multiple atypical nevi may have many, sometimes hundreds, of clinically abnormal-appearing nevi. The differentiation of atypical nevi from early melanoma is not always possible with certainty on clinical grounds and is complicated by the multiplicity of atypical-appearing melanocytic skin lesions in these patients. These patients also have an increased risk of developing melanoma.1-5 Therefore, the treatment of patients with multiple atypical nevi is difficult. Removal of all unusual-appearing nevi in these patients is usually not recommended, because it is impractical, involves unnecessary surgery, and does not relieve the patient from further regular skin examinations. It is generally agreed that patients with multiple atypical nevi should have regular skin examinations several times a year.5-9

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