Multiphase segregation and metal-insulator transition in single crystal La5/8yPryCa3/8MnO3

The insulator-metal transition in single crystal La5/8yPryCa3/8MnO3 with y0.35 was studied using synchrotron x-ray diffraction, electric resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and specific heat measurements. Despite the dramatic drop in the resistivity at the insulator-metal transition temperature TMI, the charge-ordering (CO) peaks exhibit no anomaly at this temperature and continue to grow below TMI. Our data suggest then, that in addition to the CO phase, another insulating phase is present below TCO. In this picture, the insulator-metal transition is due to the changes that occur within this latter phase. The CO phase does not appear to play a major role in this transition. We propose that a percolationlike insulator-metal transition occurs via the growth of ferromagnetic metallic domains within the parts of the sample that do not exhibit charge ordering. Finally, we find that the low-temperature phase-separated state is unstable against x-ray irradiation, which destroys the CO phase at low temperatures.