Psychologic Response to Colectomy

THIS PAPER will report on a preliminary investigation of the adaptation patients make to total colectomy and to the resulting permanent ileostomy on colostomy. Total colectomy is a procedure that results in the complete removal of the colon, and most often, the rectum as well, so that a permanent, artificial means of defecation has to be created (ileostomy or colostomy). An ileostomy is formed by bringing an end of small intestine through the abdominal wall to serve as an opening for the intestines. The discharged intestinal contents are unformed and cannot be regulated, requiring an appliance over the stoma which must be worn continually. A colostomy is formed by bringing an end of the large intestine through the abdominal wall to serve as an intestinal orifice. The contents are more formed. Our purpose was to study how patients react to these procedures in terms