Electronic structure of Ce and its intermetallic compounds

We report the core-level x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectra of 30 intermetallic compounds of La and Ce. The results are discussed in the light of calculations using the Anderson impurity model of the 4f levels and including the degeneracy of the 4f levels. The comparison allows us to derive values for the coupling between the f levels and the conduction states Δ and the number of 4f electrons nf. We find Δ to be up to ∼ 150 meV in some Ce intermetallic compounds, and find nf to range from ∼0.8-1.1. We cannot reconcile the core-level results with the traditional promotional model in which Δ was assumed to be 10 meV or less and the f-electron count could range from 1 down to zero in Ce intermetallic compounds.