Virulence of Three DistinctCryptosporidium parvumIsolates for Healthy Adults

The infectivity of three Cryptosporidium parvum isolates (Iowa [calf], UCP [calf], and TAMU [horse]) of the C genotype was investigated in healthy adults. After exposure, volunteers recorded the number and form of stools passed and symptoms experienced. Oocyst excretion was assessed by immunofluorescence. The ID50 differed among isolates: Iowa, 87 (SE, 19; 95% confidence interval [CI], 48.67–126); UCP, 1042 (SE, 1000; 95% CI, 0–3004); and TAMU, 9 oocysts (SE, 2.34; 95% CI, 4.46–13.65); TAMU versus Iowa, P = .002 or UCP, P = .019. Isolates also differed significantly (P = .045) in attack rate between TAMU (86%) and Iowa (52%) or UCP (59%). A trend toward a longer duration of diarrhea was seen for the TAMU (94.5 h) versus UCP (81.6 h) and Iowa (64.2 h) isolates. C. parvum isolates of the C genotype differ in their infectivity for humans.