Ultrawideband Printed Log-Periodic Dipole Antenna With Multiple Notched Bands

A printed log-periodic dipole antenna (PLPDA) with multiple notched bands is proposed for ultrawideband (UWB) applications. The impedance bandwidth of 3.1 GHz-10.6 GHz with VSWR less than 2 is achieved based on the wideband property of the PLPDA as well as the half mode substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW) Balun. Different from omnidirectional UWB antennas, the end-fire radiation pattern of the PLPDA is more stable within the UWB band. Multiple notched bands are generated by integrating U-shaped slots into the PLPDA for blocking the interference from other narrow band wireless communication systems. Several antennas with the notched frequencies of 3.5 GHz, 5.5 GHz, 6.8 GHz, and 8.5 GHz are designed, fabricated, and measured. The measured results are in agreement with the predicted results.

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