Diagnostische Wertigkeit des kombinierten Einsatzes von Kernspintomo- und Kernspinangiographie bei Sinusvenenthrombosen (SVT)

25 patients are presented, who were diagnosed with cerebral sinus venous thrombosis by a combination of Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) and conventional Spin-Echo sequences. An angiography in DSA technique was carried out additionally in 12 cases. In 24 patients MR-angiographic control examinations were conducted. In seven cases MRA revealed an isolated thrombosis of the superior sagittal sinus (SSS) whereas in eleven patients there was an additional occlusion of other sinuses or cerebral veins. The transverse sinus (ST) was the second most affected. DSA essentially confirmed the MR-imaging data. Despite anticoagulation follow up MRA's showed complete recanalisation in only 7 patients, in 8 cases partial recanalisation was observed and in 9 cases a complete occlusion persisted. In contrast to these findings neurological examinations during the follow up period were unremarkable in 16 patients and the remainder revealed only mild residual symptoms. In general no further morphological alterations of the cerebral sinus system were detectable by MRA after 6 months. Follow up imaging beyond 6 months therefore appears unnecessary, unless a relapse is suspected.