On the tracking of rapid dynamic changes in seizure EEG

Estimation of autospectra and coherence and phase spectra of seizure EEG, using the FFT technique, will cause "smearing" of the rapid dynamic changes which occur during the seizure. This is inherent to FFT spectral estimation, due to the averaging process which is necessary in order to get consistent spectral estimates. A different approach suggested in the present study is to carry out multivariate autoregressive modeling of the multichannel seizure EEG, combined with adaptive segmentation. In order to obtain good estimates in cases of short record length, the vectorial AR modeling was based on residual energy ratios. The method has been tested on multichannel seizure EEG recordings from rats with focal epilepsy, caused by intracerebral administration of Kainic acid, and in depth EEG recordings in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.

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