The management of ectodermal dysplasia and severe hypodontia. International conference statements

An international conference on ectodermal dysplasias and hypodontia, held in London in 2004, featured a session devoted to the management of the ectodermal dysplasias and severe hypodontia. This paper presents a set of statements prepared by an international specialist panel, including representatives of patient support groups, who presented and subsequently debated a series of papers on this subject. The following topics were explored: potential roles of patient support groups; core care standards, including the roles and composition of medical and dental multidisciplinary teams for treating these conditions; the format of a baseline data set for patients with an ED; and priorities for research in ectodermal dysplasias, with particular regard to laboratory and clinical studies, and research methodology. The statements are intended to form an international framework for developing patient care pathways, and collaborative research in this field.