Remission of Lupus Nephritis with Cyclophosphamide and Late Relapses Following Therapy Withdrawal

We describe the long-term follow-up of severe lupus nephritis treated with Cyclophosphamide, with emphasis on the incidence of relapses after therapy withdrawal. From a cohort of SLE patients followed over a period of twelve years, we review the charts of the eleven with histologic evidence of class IV nephritis who reached complete remission with Cyclophosphamide and who were followed for more than four years after the discontinuation. In all patients, Cyclophosphamide was maintained for longer than two years after complete remission. Four patients relapsed following therapy withdrawal (36%). Sequential biopsies were taken in eight patients after remission or relapse and show a good histologic correlation with clinical renal data. Clinical remission with re-induction therapy could not be achieved in two patients after relapse. We conclude that relapse is frequently observed following Cyclophosphamide withdrawal in lupus patients with diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis initially responsive to this therapy. Studies are needed to determine the influence of different regimes of maintenance therapy on the rate of relapses.