Solution structure of coactosin reveals structural homology to ADF/cofilin family proteins

Coactosin is a small (MW ∼15 kDa) evolutionarily conserved actin filament binding protein. It displays remote sequence homology to ADF/cofilin proteins and to the ADF-H domains of twinfilin and Abp1/drebrin. However, biochemical analyses have demonstrated that coactosin has a very different role in actin dynamics from the ones of ADF/cofilin, twinfilin or Abp1/drebrin. To elucidate the molecular mechanism of coactosin/actin interaction, we determined the three-dimensional structure of mouse coactosin by multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. We find that the coactosin structure is homologous to ADF/cofilin and to the ADF-H domains of twinfilin. Furthermore, the regions that have been shown to be important for actin filament interactions in ADF/cofilins are structurally conserved in coactosin suggesting that these two proteins interact with F-actin through a conserved interface. Our analysis also identifies key structural differences between these proteins that may account for the differences in biochemical activities and cellular roles of these proteins