The lymphatic absorption of a series of 14C-labelled compounds structurally related to pp’-DDT has been examined in thoracic duct-cannulated rats. The compounds (pp’ DDT, op-DDT, p’p’-DDT, op-DDD, DDE, DDA and 2,4-D) varied markedly in lipid solubility, as well as in extent of lymphatic absorption, urinary and biliary excretion, and localization in body fat. More than 12 % of the dose was recovered in 24-hour thoracic duct lymph of rats treated with the pp’- and op-isomers of DDT and DDD and with DDE, and this percentage was increased by concomitant fat absorption. A strict parallel between lipid solubility and lymphatic absorption was not observed in this series of compounds, possibly because of differences in their rates and routes of excretion.