Coping processes relevant to posttraumatic growth: an evidence-based review

Objective This study aims to perform an evidence-based review on the quantitative data regarding coping processes related to posttraumatic growth in the field of oncology to facilitate understanding of posttraumatic growth in oral cavity cancer (OCC) patients. Material and methods Pubmed, Medline, and PsycINFO were used for the search and the reference list checked for each selected article. Full articles meeting the inclusion criteria were retrieved. Only English articles were included. Results The initial search yielded 934 publications; 64 “potentially relevant papers” and 21 “effective” papers formed the basis of this review. Personality traits and social support lead to development of positive coping methods in cancer patients. Overriding influences are benefit finding and meaning making. Specific coping processes were identified to be significantly associated with posttraumatic growth in patients suffering from different cancers and a need for additional prospective research regarding specific processes and outcomes among oral cavity cancer patients. A proposed theoretical model based on the evidence of management of other cancer research fields is suggested for patients with OCC. Conclusion An evidence-based review of coping strategies related to posttraumatic growth was performed which identified key coping strategies and factors that enhance coping processes. A conceptual model of coping strategies to enhance posttraumatic growth in OCC patients based on the scientific evidence attained is suggested to provide a more holistic approach to OCC management.