“Somatostatinoma”: A Somatostatin-Containing Tumor of the Endocrine Pancreas

We studied the pancreatic and enteric hormone profile of a 46-year-old woman who had hyperglycemia and a pancreatic tumor. Before operation, there was no evidence of overproduction of glucagon or insulin. The tumor's ultrastructure had a distinctive endocrine morphology, resembling D cells. Prompted by the recent demonstration of somatostatin in D cells of pancreatic islets, we analyzed the tumor and found a large quantity of immunoreactive somatostatin (301 ng per milligram of tissue). Insulin, glucagon, gastrin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and human pancreatic polypeptide were present in only trace quantities. The tumor cells were cultured in monolayers, which remained viable up to 51 days and released somatostatin into the culture medium. In seven insulinomas and two glucagonomas, we found the somatostatin content either much lower (<0.6 ng per milligram of tissue) or undetectable.