The rising trend of invasive zygomycosis in patients with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus

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Zygomycosis is an emerging infection worldwide. A study was conducted to understand its spectrum in the Indian scenario. All patients diagnosed for invasive zygomycosis at a tertiary care center in north India from 2000–2004, were retrospectively analyzed. A total of 178 cases (mean average of 35.6 cases/year) of zygomycosis were diagnosed. Rhino-orbito-cerebral type (54.5%) was the commonest presentation followed by cutaneous (14.6%), disseminated (9.0%), and gastrointestinal (8.4%) zygomycosis. Renal and pulmonary zygomycosis were seen in 6.7% patients each. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus (in 73.6% of cases) was the significant risk factor in all types (Odds Ratio 1.5–8.0) except renal zygomycosis. Breach of skin was the risk factor in 46.2% patients with cutaneous zygomycosis. However, no risk factor could be detected in 11.8% patients. Antemortem diagnosis was possible in 83.7% cases. The commonest (61.5%) isolate was Rhizopus oryzae followed by Apophysomyces elegans in 27% patients. Combination of debridement surgery and amphotericin B therapy was significantly better in survival of the patients (PA. elegans in India demand further study.