The importance ofPersea americanaas a source of nectar in some honeys from La Palma (Canary Islands)

The melissopalynological analysis of eight honey samples from five different apiaries on La Palma (Canary Islands) where avocado (Persea americana) pollen was found is presented. Avocado pollen was always found in low proportions except in one honey that proved to be unifloral. This avocado honey has a medium to low pollen content (7333 grains/g of honey: Class II of Maurizio). It has medium pollen richness with a total of 26 pollen types. There is no secondary pollen and the important minor pollen are: Castanea sativa (14.4%) and Prunus‐type (probably P. dulcis), Rumex sp., Chamaecytisus proliferus‐type, Echium plantagineum, Erica arborea, Brassica‐type, Euphorbia obtusifolia and Cistus sp. which range from 8.8% for Primus‐type to 3.0% for Cistus sp. and Euphorbia obtusifolia.