Serum Glycan Markers for Evaluation of Disease Activity and Prediction of Clinical Course in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis

The aims of this study were to determine the change of whole-serum N-glycan profile in ulcerative colitis (UC) patients and to investigate its clinical utility. We collected serum from 75 UC patients at the time of admission and the same number of age/sex-matched healthy volunteers. Serum glycan profile was measured by comprehensive quantitative high-throughput glycome analysis and was compared with disease activity and prognosis. Out of 61 glycans detected, 24 were differentially expressed in UC patients. Pathway analysis demonstrated that highly sialylated multi-branched glycans and agalactosyl bi-antennary glycans were elevated in UC patients; in addition, the glycan ratio m/z 2378/1914, which also increased in UC, showed the highest Area under Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (0.923) for the diagnosis of UC. Highly sialylated multi-branched glycans and the glycan ratio m/z 2378/1914 were higher in the patients with total colitis, Clinical Activity Index >10, Mayo endoscopic score 3, or a steroid-refractory status. In particular, the glycan ratio m/z 2378/1914 (above median) was an independent prognostic factor for the need for an operation (hazard ratio, 2.67; 95% confidence interval, 1.04–7.84). Whole-serum glycan profiles revealed that the glycan ratio m/z 2378/1914 and highly sialylated multi-branched glycans increase in UC patients, and are correlated with disease activity. The glycan ratio m/z 2378/1914 was an independent predictive factor of the prognosis of UC.