Determination of non-volatile compounds of different botanical origin Brazilian honeys

The levels of water, HMF, free proline, total acidity, diastase activity, fructose and glucose in 74 different floral type honeys from four Brazilian regions are reported. The majority of the samples showed adequate water and HMF contents indicating the use of good practices by beekeepers in Brazil. Large variation in the contents of proline (389–520 mg/kg) was found in the honeys from the four regions studied. These findings are presumably due to the more intensive labor of the bees on the collected nectar by adding gland secretions. The high amount of diastase (40–120°G) found in some honeys from the northeast region could be due to the visit of the bees to Manhiot sp. (cassava) flour factories to collect starch-rich food, consequently increasing the diastase activity in the honey. Xerotolerant yeasts may be responsible for higher total acidity and ratios below 1 for fructose/glucose found in some samples. The majority of the analysed honeys (82%) were within the limits of the European Codex Honey Standards and Brazilian legal regulations.