The dynameomics rotamer library: Amino acid side chain conformations and dynamics from comprehensive molecular dynamics simulations in water

We have recently completed systematic molecular dynamics simulations of 807 different proteins representing 95% of the known autonomous protein folds in an effort we refer to as Dynameomics. Here we focus on the analysis of side chain conformations and dynamics to create a dynamic rotamer library. Overall this library is derived from 31,000 occurrences of each of 86,217 different residues, or 2.7 × 109 rotamers. This dynamic library has 74% overlap of rotamer distributions with rotamer libraries derived from static high‐resolution crystal structures. Seventy‐five percent of the residues had an assignable primary conformation, and 68% of the residues had at least one significant alternate conformation. The average correlation time for switching between rotamers ranged from 22 ps for Met to over 8 ns for Cys; this time decreased 20‐fold on the surface of the protein and modestly for dihedral angles further from the main chain. Side chain S2 axis order parameters were calculated and they correlated well with those derived from NMR relaxation experiments (R = 0.9). Relationships relating the S2 axis order parameters to rotamer occupancy were derived. Overall the Dynameomics rotamer library offers a comprehensive depiction of side chain rotamer preferences and dynamics in solution, and more realistic distributions for dynamic proteins in solution at ambient temperature than libraries derived from crystal structures, in particular charged surface residues are better represented. Details of the rotamer library are presented here and the library itself can be downloaded at