Anatomy of the heart of the beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas)

The heart of the beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) is described from the dissection of seven specimens. As in most whales the heart is characterized by a transverse broadness and a flatness of the ventricles from one surface to the other and by an apex formed by both ventricles. Heart size parameters are used for comparison with parameters of other marine and land mammals. The heart width index (heart height/heart circumference) averages 31.3 in comparison to 28.7 for the Weddell seal and 39.0 for the felids. The right ventricle is relatively long and narrow with a mean length index (TS/heart height) of 64.7 and a mean breadth index (TP/heart height) of 38.7. These heart parameters are discussed in functional terms.