An Investigation into the Construct Validity of the Arousal Seeking Tendency Scale, Version Ii

The internal psychometric properties and the criterion-related validity of a popular measure for assessing a person's optimal stimulation level (OSL), the 32-item Arousal Seeking Tendency Scale, version II (AST-I1), were investigated. Using data from samples of undergraduate business students (n = 519) and undergraduate students in hotel, restaurant, and institutional management (n = 320), it was found that AST-II had a single-factor structure with adequate internal psychometric properties and high reliability. Criterion-related validity was assessed with data from the undergraduate business students and was found to be high. Correlations with other measures of OSL, measures of related constructs, and consequences of OSL were all significant and were mostly above .40, whereas the responses to the AST-II items did not appear to be contaminated by social desirability bias. Two reduced versions of the scale exhibited improved internal properties but lower criterion-related validity.