Transcriptome Analysis Using a High-Density Oligomicroarray under Drought Stress in Various Genotypes of Cassava: An Important Tropical Crop

Cassava is an important crop that provides food security and income generation in many tropical countries and is known for its adaptability to various environmental conditions. Despite its global importance, the development of cassava microarray tools has not been well established. Here, we describe the development of a 60-mer oligonucleotide Agilent microarray representing ∼20 000 cassava genes and how it can be applied to expression profiling under drought stress using three cassava genotypes (MTAI16, MECU72 and MPER417-003). Our results identified about 1300 drought stress up-regulated genes in cassava and indicated that cassava has similar mechanisms for drought stress response and tolerance as other plant species. These results demonstrate that our microarray is a useful tool for analysing the cassava transcriptome and that it is applicable for various cassava genotypes.