Structural analysis of the O‐glycosidically linked core‐region oligosaccharides of human meconium glycoproteins which express oncofoetal antigens

Glycoproteins were extracted from meconium samples of group O neonates of secretor type by pronase digestion followed by precipitation in 67% aqueous ethanol and separated into Ii antigen enriched and depleted fractions by affinity chromatography. The latter fraction strongly expressed the oncofoetal antigens recognised by natural antibodies in mouse sera and the hybridoma antibody FC 10.2, and this activity was enhanced after mild acid hydrolysis to remove sialic acid and fucose residues. Oligosaccharides were released from the mild‐acid‐treated fraction by base‐borohydride degradation and purified by gel permeation chromatography on Bio‐Gel P4 and high performance liquid chromatography on octadecylsilyl and aminopropylsilyl columns. The major oligosaccharides were characterised by fast atom bombardment and electron impact mass spectrometry, combined gas‐liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and 500‐MHz proton NMR spectroscopy. Their structures, in order of abundance, were:

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