Two-photon optogenetics of dendritic spines and neural circuits

Using the red shifted opsin C1V1T and simple raster-scanning illumination, this work shows two-photon optogenetic stimulation of single cells, dendrites and spines. The method is also applied to map synaptic circuits in mouse brain slices and, using holographic photostimulation, for the simultaneous activation of two neurons located in different planes. Also online, Prakash et al. present a collection of opsins for two-photon excitation, inhibition and bistable control of neuronal activity in vitro and in vivo. We demonstrate a two-photon optogenetic method that generates action potentials in neurons with single-cell precision, using the red-shifted opsin C1V1T. We applied the method to optically map synaptic circuits in mouse neocortical brain slices and to activate small dendritic regions and individual spines. Using a spatial light modulator, we split the laser beam onto several neurons and performed simultaneous optogenetic activation of selected neurons in three dimensions.