Quantification of permethrin resistance and kdr alleles in Florida strains of Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse)

Recent outbreaks of locally transmitted dengue and Zika viruses in Florida have placed more emphasis on integrated vector management plans for Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus Skuse. Adulticiding, primarily with pyrethroids, is often employed for the immediate control of potentially arbovirus-infected mosquitoes during outbreak situations. While pyrethroid resistance is common in Ae. aegypti worldwide and testing is recommended by CDC and WHO, resistance to this class of products has not been widely examined or quantified in Florida. To address this information gap, we performed the first study to quantify both pyrethroid resistance and genetic markers of pyrethroid resistance in Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus strains in Florida. Using direct topical application to measure intrinsic toxicity, we examined 21 Ae. aegypti strains from 9 counties and found permethrin resistance (resistance ratio (RR) = 6-61-fold) in all strains when compared to the susceptible ORL1952 control strain. Permethrin resistance in five strains of Ae. albopictus was very low (RRAe. aegypti. Characterization of two sodium channel kdr alleles associated with pyrethroid-resistance showed widespread distribution in 62 strains of Ae. aegypti. The 1534 phenylalanine to cysteine (F1534C) single nucleotide polymorphism SNP was fixed or nearly fixed in all strains regardless of RR. We observed much more variation in the 1016 valine to isoleucine (V1016I) allele and observed that an increasing frequency of the homozygous V1016I allele correlates strongly with increased RR (Pearson corr = 0.905). In agreement with previous studies, we observed a very low frequency of three kdr genotypes, IIFF, VIFF, and IIFC. In this study, we provide a statewide examination of pyrethroid resistance, and demonstrate that permethrin resistance and the genetic markers for resistance are widely present in FL Ae. aegypti. Resistance testing should be included in an effective management program. Aedes aegypti (Yellow-fever mosquito) and Aedes albopictus (Asian Tiger mosquito) can vector a variety of arboviruses that cause diseases and are thus a public health concern. Pyrethroid insecticide resistance is common in Ae. aegypti in many locations worldwide and can adversely affect vector control operations. However, the resistance status of these vectors in Florida is largely unreported and recent local transmission of dengue and Zika viruses has made this information critical for effective control operations. In this study, we showed that permethrin resistance and two common SNPs of the voltage gated sodium channel (V1016I and F1534C) previously associated with pyrethroid resistance were widely present in Florida Ae. aegypti strains. We also observed a strong correlation between the dilocus knock down response (kdr) genotype and resistance ratio (RR) as determined by topical application, which suggests, as have others, that kdr frequency may be a useful indicator of resistance in Aedes aegypti.