Sphingomyelin Synthase 2 Is One of the Determinants for Plasma and Liver Sphingomyelin Levels in Mice

Background— It has been proposed that plasma sphingomyelin (SM) plays a very important role in plasma lipoprotein metabolism and atherosclerosis. Sphingomyelin synthase (SMS) is the last enzyme for SM de novo biosynthesis. Two SMS genes, SMS1 and SMS2, have been cloned and characterized. Methods and Results— To evaluate the in vivo role of SMS2 in SM metabolism, we prepared SMS2 knockout (KO) and SMS2 liver-specific transgenic (LTg) mice and studied their plasma SM and lipoprotein metabolism. On a chow diet, SMS2 KO mice showed a significant decrease in plasma SM levels (25%, P P P P P Conclusions— We therefore believe that regulation of liver SMS2 activity could become a promising treatment for atherosclerosis.