A Multicompartmental Dynamic Computer-controlled Model Simulating the Stomach and Small Intestine

A multicompartmental in vitro model has been described, which simulates the dynamic events occurring within the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract of man and monogastric animals. The accuracy of the model for reproducing in vivo data on gastrointestinal transit, pH, bile salt concentrations and the absorption of glucose was tested. The in vivo conditions simulated in the model were based on studies in healthy human volunteers. Mathematical modelling of gastric and ileal delivery with power exponential equations was used for the computer control of meal transit. The model appeared to reproduce accurately the pre-set data on meal transit, pH and bile salt concentrations in the different gastrointestinal compartments. Glucose absorption from the small intestine was almost complete. This model reproduces very closely the dynamic conditions based on the in vivo situation in monogastric animals and man. Therefore, the model can be an important tool in studying the fate of ingested components (for example, food, microorganisms and medicines) during gastrointestinal transit and, consequently, may contribute to the replacement of studies using laboratory animals.