Recent Research on Gender Differences in Collegiate Alcohol Use

Gender differences in collegiate alcohol use are reviewed in the literature from 1975–1986 with respect to (1) overall differences in drinking motivations, consequences, and consumption patterns; (2) evidence for historical convergence (a lessening of gender differences over time); (3) developmentally related patterns of alcohol use in transition to and during the years of college; and (4) the relative impact of environmental influences on drinkng patterns. There is considerable agreement in the literature regarding overall gender differences: Men drink more often, in greater quantities, with more negative consequences, and are more likely to drink to get drunk. These differences may be the result of a somewhat misleading gender dichotomy, however, with most men and women sharing a large amount of overlap regarding consumption levels. Historical trends toward convergence of men's and women's drinking have occurred with respect to the percentage of students who drink and the frequency of consumption, yet differences appear persistent in other areas. The transition into college is associated with increases in consumption for both men and women, with potentially greater changes for women. While evidence of other changes during the college years is equivocal, men may learn to drink less destructively as they become upperclassmen. Finally, some research reports a greater impact of environmental influences on women, as shown by greater increases in consumption upon entry into college and more sensitivity to group alcohol-use norms. A greater awareness of these gender issues should be integrated into individual counseling, outreach, and educational programs.