Interleukin-6 Stimulates LDL Receptor Gene Expression via Activation of Sterol-Responsive and Sp1 Binding Elements

Abstract —Inflammatory or malignant diseases are associated with elevated levels of cytokines and abnormal low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol metabolism. In the acute-phase response to myocardial injury or other trauma or surgery, total and LDL cholesterol levels are markedly decreased. We investigated the effects of the proinflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-6 on LDL receptor (LDL-R) function and gene expression in HepG2 cells. IL-6 dose-dependently increased the binding, internalization, and degradation of 125 I-LDL. IL-6–stimulated HepG2 cells revealed increased steady-state levels of LDL-R mRNA. In HepG2 cells transiently transfected with reporter gene constructs harboring the sequence of the LDL-R promoter extending from nucleotide −1563 (or from nucleotide −234) through −58 relative to the translation start site, IL-6 dose-dependently increased promoter activity. In the presence of LDL, a similar relative stimulatory effect of IL-6 was observed. Studies using a reporter plasmid with a functionally disrupted sterol-responsive element (SRE)-1 revealed a reduced stimulatory response to IL-6. In gel-shift assays, nuclear extracts of IL-6–treated HepG2 cells showed an induced binding of SRE binding protein (SREBP)-1a and SRE binding protein(SREBP)-2 to the SRE-1 that was independent of the cellular sterol content and an induced binding of Sp1 and Sp3 to repeat 3 of the LDL-R promoter. Our data indicate that IL-6 induces stimulation of the LDL-R gene, resulting in enhanced gene transcription and LDL-R activity. This effect is sterol independent and involves, on the molecular level, activation of nuclear factors binding to SRE-1 and the Sp1 binding site in repeat 2 and repeat 3 of the LDL-R promoter, respectively.