Relationships among walking performance, postural stability, and functional assessments of the hemiplegic patient.

  • 1 April 1987
    • journal article
    • Vol. 66 (2), 77-90
Fifteen male hemiplegic subjects were tested using the Fugl-Meyer Assessment and Barthel Index to evaluate their level of function. Walking performance using interrupted light photography and postural maneuvers while standing on a force platform were recorded for all subjects. Significant relationships were found among functional assessments, objective measures of walking, postural stability and between sections of the Fugl-Meyer Assessment. The hemiplegic subject's gait was characterized by a lack of symmetry and slow speed. Their area of stability during weight shifting was dramatically smaller than for normal men and was located closer to the non-paretic side. The results of this study lend support to the use of the Fugl-Meyer Assessment and Barthel Index as quantitative measures of hemiplegic patient's function.