Pancreastatin Plasma Levels in Patients with Primary Hyperparathyroidism

Pancreastatin, a C-terminally amidated peptide derived from chromogranin A, is known to inhibit insulin secretion, pancreatic enzyme release, and gastric acid secretion. It also inhibits parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion in animals. The physiologic and clinical relevance of pancreastatin in humans, however, is not known. Because pancreastatin has been found in parathyroid adenomas, we investigated the plasma levels in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT). Thirteen patients operated on for solitary parathyroid adenoma were investigated. Plasma levels of pancreastatin and serum levels of ionized calcium and intact PTH were measured before and 6 weeks after operation. In 10 patients the levels were also monitored before and 60 minutes after adenoma excision. The adenomas were investigated for pancreastatin immunoreactivity by immunocytochemistry. The median weight of the excised parathyroid adenoma was 0.64 g (range 0.07–2.00 g). Cells displaying pancreastatin immunoreactivity were present in all adenomas examined and varied in number and immunostaining intensity among and within the adenomas. Intraoperatively, after adenoma excision the levels of PTH and pancreastatin declined (p < 0.01), whereas the levels of ionized calcium did not change (p= 0.96). At the 6-week follow-up the levels of ionized calcium and PTH had decreased compared to the preoperative levels (p < 0.01), and all patients were normocalcemic. In contrast, the pancreastatin levels were not changed (14.5 ± 6.1 pmol/L preoperatively vs. 12.8 ± 11.2 pmol/L 6 weeks postoperatively; p= 0.12). In patients with pHPT, pancreastatin is likely to be produced by the parathyroid adenoma. The changes in pancreastatin levels immediately after surgery warrant further investigation.