Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair

Purpose: A retrospective study was carried out of patients who underwent laparoscopic ventral abdominal wall hernia repair (excluding groin hernias) between January 1994 and January 1999. Patients and Methods: Laparoscopic ventral hernia repair was performed on 202 patients for defects ranging from 1.5 cm to 12 cm in diameter. Of these, 35 patients had multiple hernial defects. After reduction of the hernial contents and adhesiolysis, a polypropylene mesh was used intraperitoneally in all patients, such that there was a margin of at least 3 cm from the edge of the defect as well as the previous scar. Results: The mean operating time decreased from 90 minutes in the initial 3 years to 50 minutes in the last 2 years. Postoperatively, the mean hospital stay was 1.8 days. Patients complained of somatic abdominal pain at the site of mesh insertion for a mean of 7 days. There were two postoperative hernia recurrences at a mean follow-up of 2.9 years. The incidence of seroma formation postoperatively was 32% in the first 3 years but declined to 18% subsequently with postoperative abdominal-wall pressure dressings. There were no postoperative sequelae related to bowel adhesions. Negligible wound sepsis (superficial wound infection in five patients), decreased morbidity, and all the other advantages of a minimally invasive surgical approach were evident in this group of patients. Conclusion: These promising early results need to be confirmed by a prospective controlled trial, especially recurrence rates and incidence of postoperative adhesions.