Human Excimer Laser Keratectomy: Short-Term Histopathology

The first human trial using the argon fluoride excimer laser to produce a superficial keratectomy in the initial three of a series of ten human eyes is described and includes the clinical appearance and short-term histopathologic evaluation of these three eyes. During an interval of less than 14 days, all three eyes reepithel ia I ized completely, showing absolute clarity of all layers of the cornea, while the patients experienced minimal discomfort despite gross abnormalities of other structures and components of these eyes. Histopathologically, at an average ablation depth of 30 to 40 microns below the surface of Bowman's membrane, the epithelium appeared to be slightly hyperplastic, but firmly adherent to the underlying stromal fibers in the ablated areas. There was a slight electrondense border at the epithelial -stromal interface, but no evidence of inflammation or abnormal keratocyte activity was noted during this Interval, Further pathophysiologic and pharmacologic investigations will be reguired to perfect this new procedure.